Get the edge to be ahead of the competition. Shop Rubber Grips

User Guide

Our innovative concept, design, and material means you will find the exact fit that suits your workout needs. And to guarantee the highest quality, we make every Victory Grip in the USA to withstand your toughest workout.

Use, Care,
Fit & Performance

What Grips Do You Need For The Open?

Grip Tips

Why Do I Need Grips?

Performance and protection go hand in hand.

Get The Best Performance From Your Grips.

Why we recommend wearing wrist bands under your grips.

How Should My Grips Fit?

The importance of the fold.

Caring For Your Grips.

How to care for your Leather, Stealth, and X2 Grips.

Proper Fit & Function.

Make sure you are wearing your grips correctly.

Product Specific Videos

Freedom Grips

Fast transistions are key. Grip and go. Flip and go.

2-Finger Grips

Minimal material. Maximum grip.

How To Wear 2-Finger Grips

Two options for wearing these grips.

Tactical Grips

The grippiest grips on the market.

X2 Grips

An upgrade from our Stealth X material.

False Grip Straps

An excellent choice for strict muscle-ups.

Spider Chalk

Why We Carry Spider Chalk

About Victory Grips

Our Story

It all started with the idea to help athletes perform better.

How Victory Grips Are Made

Quality above everything else.

User Generated Videos


Victory Grips Tactical Grips Review

The Sampley Six

Best Grips for Murph and Crossfit.

Average Dad Reviews Fitness

Victory Grips MEN'S TACTICAL FREEDOM Review (Love Letter)

The EMOM Box

Victory Grips Tactical Grips Review