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Get to know America's Fittest Woman, Kari Pearce

by Victor Pellegrino on October 09, 2019

Tell us the details in training that has earned you the title of fittest American woman for the past two years.

I give my best day in and day out during training. That doesn't mean that I PR everyday or anywhere close to it, but I give my best effort and walk away knowing that. I have gotten more comfortable with pushing my limits as well. I think another big reason that I am so successful is because I am willing to listen to my coach and try new things or strategies he has to offer. He is my coach for a reason, he knows more than I do. Often I see people that won't take advice from others because they think they know it all. I am going to make sure that never becomes me because we should all constantly be learning to continue to improve ourselves!

What was your first impression of CrossFit? Did you know you wanted to compete or did that desire come into play later?

When I first started CrossFit, I knew that I wanted to compete but I was successful a lot sooner than I ever imagined I would be. During my first Open, I just wanted to do my best and see where I stood after doing to sport for about 4 months. However, I ended up qualifying for Regionals and then the Games my first year and only about 6 months after starting CrossFit. After getting to compete at the Games my first year, I knew it was something I wanted to stick with for a while. I got 21st that year and wanted to do better than that!

What sanctioned events you are competing at (or looking to compete at) this season?

I am looking to compete at the Dubai Fitness Championship, Wodapalooza, and the Rogue Invitational this season.

There are a lot of Grips out there. Why do you choose Victory Grips?

I have tried a lot of Grips out there and I like Victory Grips because they are the only pair that I have found that actually help my grip instead of make it worse. With a lot of the other grips, I feel like I compromise my grip strength to keep my hands protected. With Victory Grips, I feel like I can grip the bar longer and keep my hands healthy. It is a win-win.

What are your favorite style and material of Victory Grips?

The new tactical grips are my favorite. I love the two fingers as well. So the tactical two finger grips (which may have been cut specially for me at the Games and they are the grips I wore during Mary).

Not only are you known as the pull-up queen of CrossFit, but you rock the best abs. Tell us about your nutrition.

Why thank you! I follow RP Strength for my nutrition. I don't do paleo or keto or anything but rather just keep it very clean. Meaning I eat a lot of natural foods and stay away from those that have ingredients I cannot pronounce. Not only does it help me rock a 6 pack, but it also allows me to keep my performance high. Depending on the day and my training, I eat 4-5 meals a day along with a protein shake and some sugars during my training.

What is one food/supplement that you don't go a day without?

Oatmeal. I feel empty if I go a day without it.

Outside of functional fitness training, what other sports and/or activities do you enjoy?

I enjoy walking around NYC (the amazing city that I live in) and exploring new places and museums in the city. Walking along the Hudson River is something I do almost every rest day. There is just something calm and peaceful about it. Plus it gets my mind off of fitness and anything work-related and helps me feel refreshed. I also like watching college football (the University of Michigan) and comedy movies because I enjoy a good laugh. Though I don't do them as much as I would like, I love paddle boarding and jet skiing.

What is the single most important thing you've done over the years to get where you are today regarding fitness?

I believe that my consistency in training and nutrition are the reasons I have been so successful regarding fitness. It is easy to go through waves of hitting the gym hard and being on with your diet. However, the results come when you can create a routine you can stick to. Finding a training schedule and program along with a healthy eating regimen you can stick to are all both key. That doesn't mean I never have a cheat day or days where my training isn't perfect but having balance and not falling of the bandwagon is key. I am lucky that I love working out and enjoy eating healthy, so that makes it much easier to stay consistent.

You out preformed the top male finisher in Mary at the 2019 Games completing a total of 695 reps. 345 of those reps were pull-ups. How can someone reading this get pull-ups like Pearce?

Mary was such a fun event at the Games and I was beyond excited when I found out that I beat all the men in that workout. Luckily for everyone out there, I have two pull-up programs. One of them is for people looking to get their very first strict pull-up. I feel like I get as excited as everyone following it when they send me the video and share their huge accomplishment! The other program is for people looking to increase the number of strict pull-ups they can do or work on their technique and the volume of kipping or butterfly pull-ups. I will admit that it takes a lot of time and practice but if you put in the right kind of work, it will be sure to pay off!



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