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Apex grips

Introducing APEX

The peak of performance, protection and comfort is here.

Designed for Durability

With APEX, both the grips and your hands can go for more reps with less rips.

Apex Grips Diagram

Apex is Available in Classic and V‑Series

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You’ve Got to Try APEX if You...

  • Want your grip to be both comfortable and grippy. Enough having to pick one or the other!
  • Need something that digs into all bar types – especially those slippery, powder coated rigs.
  • Like it thicker, and appreciate a little cushion
  • Have asked, “I wonder if they thought about combining their X2 and Tactical materials?”

"Apex is the only material that locks me on the bar so I can consistently knock out a few more reps."

"I now prefer Apex to X2 since it is grippier and has improved hand protection."

"It's the perfect thickness between too thin and too thick. Probably some of the best grips I have used on rings."

"Apex is the only material that locks me on the bar so I can consistently knock out a few more reps."

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